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The Power of Connection

belonging time management Apr 22, 2024

As social beings, we thrive on the strength of our relationships. The people we surround ourselves with have a profound impact on our personal growth, emotional well-being, and overall life satisfaction. By cultivating deep, authentic connections, we tap into a powerful source of support,...

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A Health Approach Inspired by the World's Longest-Living People

There are places around the world where people regularly live to be 100 years old and beyond, maintaining excellent health and vitality well into their golden years. These regions, known as "Blue Zones," have captivated researchers and health enthusiasts alike, offering valuable insights into the...

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How to "Belong" with a Portfolio Career

What does Future Proofing have to do with Belonging?

I’ve been banging on about belonging all month in our blog. What the heck do these Future Proof Masterclasses have to do with Belonging?

Well, allow me to digress to our origins. 

The REASON I started the Future Proof course was to...

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Unleashing the Power of People Sustainability

belonging future of work May 15, 2023

As we move ever further into the future, the world around us is accelerating at a pace few could have predicted. Amongst these shifts, one thing remains constant: the people. Our human capital is the most sustainable competitive advantage we have. It's the lynchpin in our rapidly spinning...

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To Belong You Need Conflict

How has corporate culture shifted to dampen conflict and simultaneously piss people off by failing to address conflicts? What are the implications?

I’ve been thinking about the question above, which came out of last month’s story about how to create belonging for ourselves. ...

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Striving for Fairness in Today's Changing Work Environment

This Monday is International Day of Workers where I am in Havana.

There is a big parade and a celebration with banners that read, “Cuba lives and works!”. 

It reminds me of Freud’s assertion that Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness.” 


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belonging personal brand Apr 17, 2023

People ask me what the “AHAs” are from the work I do with people navigating change. 

The biggest one is the realization that a deep, personal fear is lurking in the background for all of us.

It is not just the fear that you may lose your job because of the disruptions...

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